Jan 31, 2024
Web Description: We are praying for Israel during this time. And as we pray, we should also ask ourselves, “Are we being effective?” When we look out on a natural level, are we seeing the truth winning the day in the media and on college campuses? Are we seeing the spiritual forces move in a positive direction...
Jan 24, 2024
Web Description: Hanukkah means dedication. The Feast of Dedication celebrates the rededication of the Temple and the vessels of Temple worship after they had been defiled. We could relate to Hanukkah as a mere historical event that is outside of ourselves. But I feel that the Lord is moving on our hearts to apply...
Jan 17, 2024
Web Description: We know we live in a world that is under futility. We also believe in God’s promised release from it. Therefore, we seem to be in a continual war with futility, struggling to overcome it. But we need to realize that we are not fighting futility; we are dealing with the root of futility, which is our...
Jan 10, 2024
Web Description: The Scriptures tell us that the Lord will shake the heavens and the earth and that our God is a consuming fire. These are things that certainly sound frightening, but we get a different picture when we study what these Scriptures are actually saying. For believers the times of shaking are not to be...
Jan 3, 2024
Web Description: At the end of every year, whether it is by making resolutions or having parties, we try to cope with our anxiety over the fact that we do not know what the new year will bring, and we have absolutely no control over it. I want to have a different approach this year. I want the Scriptures to minister...