Nov 29, 2023
Web Description: Jonah would rather have died than to let go of his anger that God would have compassion on Nineveh. We must not allow such a hardness to enter our hearts, especially as we expect to see the judgments of God on the wicked in this day. Our hearts must express God’s compassion rather than the anger,...
Nov 22, 2023
Web Description: “Why are you angry?” That is the question God asked Cain. And that question applies very much to this generation. Why are people so angry? Why is there so much rage and violence and killing? The reason is the same as when God told Cain he had to master sin. Cain had to control what was in him...
Nov 15, 2023
Web Description: For the most part, we do not like being confronted about things we lack or need to work on in our lives. But a confrontation can be helpful. After seeing Christ transformed, Peter, James, and John were confronted by their own inability to heal someone. And the truth is that we are confronted daily by...
Nov 8, 2023
Growing In God Podcast
Web Description: For the children of Israel in the wilderness, there was only one place they could go to pray. Their prayers to God had to happen in the Tent of Meeting in the presence of God. Today we can pray in any physical place we want, but in truth there is a place where we are to go...
Nov 1, 2023
Web Description: Yeshua (Jesus) told Nicodemus that we must be born of the Spirit. And just as being born in the natural realm means we grow up and learn to function in the natural realm, being born of the Spirit means we grow up and learn to function in the spirit realm. If we are born again then this should be our...