Dec 28, 2022
The biggest problem the children of Israel had in the wilderness was not their lack of faith that God could do great things. It was their inability to trust that He would take care of their personal needs. A recent experience exposed this problem in my own life, and I think Christians should face this reality. With all...
Dec 21, 2022
The symbolism that most defines Christmas is the nativity scene. And the nativity scene is about the reality that Christ, the Messiah, the Savior, the King of Kings, was born and lived as a human being. At Christmas we are not celebrating His divinity. We are celebrating His humanity. We are celebrating the fact that...
Dec 14, 2022
In Romans 12, Paul exhorts us not to be conformed to this world. That is what Hanukkah is all about. It expresses the refusal of the Jewish people to be converted into something that was against the will of God and against the teachings of God. We as believers in Yeshua (Jesus) should have the same resistance to the...
Dec 7, 2022
As we face difficult times, which we seem to be in today, we can get the feeling that God was in the past and He will do many wonderful things in the future. So we are left with the question: Is there anything for now? We know that Christ is preparing a Kingdom and He will return. But He has also prepared a...