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Growing In God with Gary Hargrave

Aug 30, 2023

Web Description: End-time events are happening even now in the world, and now more than ever those who are doing the will of God need to be able to work the works of God. Christ said that those who believed in Him would do greater works than He did, but the works I see Christians doing today are not even on the level that Christ did. I think we should stop excusing ourselves and apply the faith and anointing He gave us to manifest His power and His works to the world.


Show Notes: I am wanting to get across to us the sense of how Christ moved when He was in the earth because I believe it is the way that we are to move. The word miracles is very commonly used within Christianity to describe the amazing things Yeshua did. Yet when He spoke about what He did, He did not use the term miracles. He called them “works.” He said He was doing the works of God. Furthermore, He said that those who believed in Him would do those same works and even greater ones.


When we think of a miracle, we think of a divine act by a divine being and something beyond our human ability to understand or perform. Our own work, however, is something we know (or should know) how to do. We do not think that we are doing miracles. Yet by thinking that Yeshua did miracles, we fail to acknowledge that He came to earth in the flesh. He was a human being just like each of us, and as a human being He did the works of the Father. He understood what He was doing and knew the works were within His capacity as a human to accomplish.


Let us wake up to the reality that the works of God by us in our existing human form are within our ability. Not only are they within our ability, but they are also within the context of what Yeshua said we would do. We must stop relating to Christ as having a different form or a greater ability than we do while He was on the earth. He was as human as we are, but in His relationship to the Father, He had the enabling within His flesh to accomplish the works of God. In our relationship with Christ and the Father, we have this same enabling in our flesh right now, and we should begin to believe it and exercise it.


Key Verses:


       John 14:11–12. “Greater works than these he will do.”

       John 10:25. “The works that I do in My Father’s name, these testify of Me.”

       Luke 19:37. “The disciples began to praise God joyfully with a loud voice for all the miracles.”

       Psalm 103:6–7. “He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the sons of Israel.”

       John 6:4–11. “He Himself knew what He was intending to do.”

       Romans 4:17. “God … calls into being that which does not exist.”

       Luke 5:15–17. “The power of the Lord was present for Him to perform healing.”

       John 4:24. “God is spirit.”

       Acts 1:6–8. “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.”




       “The door was opened, as Christ went to the Father, for us to enter into the presence of the Father. And therefore, that door opened the enabling for us to do, as Christ did, the works of the Father.”

       “It creeps into the mind of believers that Christ, while He was here on the earth, was something different than what you are while you're here in your time on this earth.”

       “We must know how to immerse ourselves into the Holy Spirit. We cannot keep sitting here in a physical world, relating to ourselves as physical bodies and as matter only, and expect for anything to happen and pray that somehow God will drop a miracle out of the sky.”




1.    Christ was human as we are human. And yet He was able to do the works that everyone else called miracles and are still calling miracles to this day.

2.    To Christ they were not miracles. They were the works of God. And He knew exactly how to perform them. And He knew that they were the result of the power of God that rested upon Him.

3.    You are going to do the works of God because the power of God rests on you as it rested on Him when He was in human flesh, as it rested on the disciples when they were in human flesh, as it rested on Moses when he was in human flesh. This ability exists, and we must have it in our minds that this is not only a possibility, but the way we as believers should live our daily lives.