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Growing In God with Gary Hargrave

Jun 14, 2023

Should we believe for revival? To answer that question just look at Joel’s prophecy that God’s Spirit will be poured out on all mankind and note that this great outpouring is preceded by other outpourings and the restoration of Israel. Today we are seeing Israel being restored, and our generation has witnessed many revivals and outpourings of the Holy Spirit. Now more than ever, the answer is yes, we should have faith to see revivals happen in our nation and in the world.


Show Notes: Revivals and outpourings of the Holy Spirit are much needed right now and we should be praying for them to happen. We are not just hoping for something that has never transpired before. In Acts 2, we have a biblical example of the Holy Spirit being poured out on 120 people and more than 3,000 people brought into salvation. Then throughout the book of Acts, and all the New Testament Scriptures, we see this power and anointing spread to multitudes of people.


In our generation we have seen real fulfillment of God’s promised blessings on Israel, which Joel prophesied would precede the outpouring of God’s Spirit on all mankind. Also starting with the major revivals of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, we have seen many movements that were true outpourings of God's Spirit. These movements were filled with people being saved, confessing their sins and reaching for purity in God, experiencing great healings, and moving in the gifts of the Spirit.


We are seeing many signs taking place in the days we live in right now. Do not be discouraged by looking at the current difficulties in the world. Revivals and outpourings have happened at times of the greatest difficulty and turmoil. That is why in our day and age we should be anticipating, hungering, and crying out to the Lord for revivals.


Key Verses:


       Acts 2:1–8. “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.”

       Acts 1:15. “A gathering of about one hundred and twenty persons was there together.”

       Acts 1:4–8. “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.”

       Joel 2:28–32. “I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind.”

       Joel 2:23–27. “The threshing floors will be full of grain, and the vats will overflow.”




       “When I look at my walk with God going back into the early seventies, I recognize that all through the time of my Christian walk and my Christian service as a pastor, it has been during this time when God was beginning to move again.”

       “In February of 1970 was the original Asbury revival that really did sweep the country because after it began at the university the young people went out all over the United States. And there were other moves of God like this.”

       “Our attention should be fixed. We should be in times of prayer, believing to see revival, believing to see things happen.”




1.    According to Joel’s prophecy, God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh after the restoration and the deliverance of Israel and the Jewish people. Today we are seeing Israel restored, the Jewish people returning, and the restoration of their goods and blessings which God had stripped away from them because of their disobedience. This prophecy of outpouring then becomes more important in our time than it ever has been before.

2.    The movings of God have never been during times that were necessarily wonderful for God’s people. The 1970s were a time of great upheaval in America, and that was when multitudes of young people found Christ in what was called the Jesus Revolution. Our young people today are facing unheard of challenges, but that is not a reason to have unbelief. That is a reason to have faith to see God move.

3.    We need revivals. We need awakenings and outpourings in this day and age. And we pray, “Father, we believe in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach that You will move in this generation. As you spoke through Joel, there will be an outpouring of Your Spirit that will be global. It will be on all flesh. You will move, and people's hearts will be transformed by Your Holy Spirit to believe in and walk with You.”