Jan 11, 2023
We may face difficult times ahead. We may face real persecutions and serious tribulations. Where do we find an anchor? Where do we find something to hang onto? Where do we find our protection? We find it in the Word Christ has given us. We have certainty in the fact that the Father will answer the prayers of His Son. And today we have a Bodyguard. The Father is surrounding us as a barrier and a wall because Christ asked Him to keep us from the evil one.
Show Notes: Yeshua (Jesus) gave us the Word of the Father. And in these days when He has ascended to the right hand of the Father and we no longer see Him, we have His Word contained in the Scriptures. They are our commandments. They are the guideposts of how we live, how we walk, what we think, and what we do. And it becomes of primary importance in our lives that we read them, that we understand them, that we believe them, and that they become our strength.
In John 17 we have Christ’s prayer to the Father, and I think we can put tremendous weight and confidence in those verses because the Father will answer the prayers of His Son. We will go through many things, but we have confidence that we have the Father’s protection and His immunity because Christ asked the Father to keep us from the evil one. Christ did not ask the Father to take us out of the world but to leave us in the world as His testimony, just as He lived in the world as the testimony of the Father. And He intended that we would have the same protection from the Father that He had.
The Father protected the Son and covered Him while He was in the flesh, making sure that He was not killed or destroyed before He could fulfill the will of God. Therefore, by His prayer, Christ established a protection for us so that we too can accomplish the will of the Father in our lives without being touched by that which would seek to destroy us. Do you ask, “What do we have in this generation?” We have everything that Christ asked the Father to give us so that we may be empowered, individually and collectively, to manifest Christ in His many-membered Body and do His will in the earth.
Key Verses: