Aug 10, 2022
God is faithful to fulfill His promises, but my concern is that we can experience fulfillment and yet not have His presence. We do not want to fall into the trap of seeking for fulfillment instead of seeking God. We need to look at everything we are doing and ask ourselves: “Are we building without His presence? Are we receiving blessings and fulfillment but losing Him?” The blessings and fulfillment are aspects of Him. And we will find everything we need when we seek Him above everything else.
Show Notes:
God is love. And we learn from 1 Corinthians 13 that all the tremendous gifts we receive from Him do nothing for us if we do not have His love. Likewise, we can have marvelous blessings from Him. We can see the fulfillment of prophecies over ourselves and others. We can obtain the promises that He has given us. Yet at the same time we can be devoid of His presence.
Read the book of Ezra. After the Babylonian captivity, the Temple was rebuilt. However, those who remembered the original Temple wept with a loud cry. The Lord’s promised restoration was being fulfilled, but they knew that the Lord’s presence was no longer there. When Moses interceded with the Lord after God determined to destroy the people because of their sin, the Lord said, “You can go and possess the land I promised you, but My presence will not go with you” (see Exodus 33:3). That was unacceptable to Moses. Moses did not want fulfillment if it did not include the presence of God.
It should be unacceptable to us to have fulfillment without His presence. The issue is not fulfillment. The issue is knowing Him. The issue is being with Him and dwelling with Him. The blessings that come out of that relationship are aspects of Him. Do you want blessing? He is blessing. Do you want life? He is the life. He is wisdom. He is truth. He is justice. We can cry for breakthroughs and revivals, but those are outcomes of His presence being with us. Let us be like Moses and cry, “Lord show me Your glory! Let me know Your ways. Let me know You. Then I will have everything.”
Key Verses: